Our Story

I am Lindsay.

I am the owner and creator of Top Knottt - hair accessories and scrunchies. I am the women behind the sewing machine, Top Knottts' sole fabric sourcer, customer service representative, social media marketer and shipper.

Growing up my mother enrolled me in every extra curricular she could think of. Sewing was the only thing that I really loved and so I took sewing lessons twice a week for over five years. By high school I was helping the home economics teacher when other students were struggling in class. By eighteen I was doing all my own alterations and making my own clothing, accessories and costumes.

In my twenties I left home for a few years to live in a larger city center. When I returned back to the Kootenays it opened my eyes to living in a small community again. I didn't need a Costco or Winners, I could just as easily purchase from business within my own community. My food, clothing and other necessities and wants didn't need to travel all around the world to get to my doorstep. I could support local, contribute to my regional economy and feel better about my carbon foot print.

In 2019 I decided to take my passion for sewing and turn it into a small business. I wanted to help empower women to look and feel their best. I wanted to create something that was fashionable and easy that anyone could wear. I wanted to create a business that was local and sustainable. The right hair accessory can add the finishing touch to any look. And thus Top Knottt was born from my living room in Castlegar BC. You can take my products from home in sweatpants to your next cocktail party.